Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Good Morning Heartache, You're Like An Old Friend

It has been a while since writing on this. It's true that twitter is taking over the world one laptop at a time. But unfortunately such a small thing as twitter cannot contain all the words I need to say about my excitement! If you know me you will know I have an unrivalled passion for music. I love listening to it, playing and dancing to it and, excuse the cheese; it is in my very soul. I used to be apart of a ska band that had an unspoken break up and despite efforts to resurrect the band it looks like RDD is gone forever. But out of those ashes rises a new project of mine. My new acoustic reggae band Uncle Fungus has their first show EVER on May 27th @ Evolution in Worcester. This is a very exciting time for me as I have not taken to the stage to perform music for almost a year and I cannot begin to explain how much I look forward to stepping up to mic and saying "Hello, we're Uncle Fungus". Our three piece outfit consists of my two best friends, Mr. Iain Smith on the guitar and Mr. Tariq "Taz" Kahn on the bass and myself on vocals and melodica playing some smoothed out acoustic reggae and bouncy ska. There is part of me who wants to push this band all that I can but at the same time I don't want to make the same mistakes as I did with RDD and take things too seriously and ultimately loose the band and friends along the way. RDD taught me a lot about myself and about how I interact with other people add in the mix we were creating something that means more to me than I can explain it was almost certain things might not be as smooth as they should or could have been. But there is a side of me that believes that pushing the band got us to places we wouldn't have gotten if I hadn't. All in all the times I spent in RDD were amazing but I look forward to Uncle Fungus's transition from an idea into an actual band.

peace, love and respect. always.

-- Tom RDD

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