Thursday, 20 May 2010

What Do You Know About Liberation Radio?

Today marked the first of many busking sessions. Me and my good friend Amy C went into Worcester town today for about 4 hours and sang our hearts out. We earned a few quid but it's not the money that made me feel alive. Something about playing music and people stopping to listen makes me feel incredible. People smiled at us, nodded there heads to the beat, a young child was mesmerised and we even got a shout out by our new friend who we named Smithy. Smithy came and sat with us as we played giving us praise, clapping and encouraging others to do the same. He was surprised when we told him all the songs we were playing were original and he was very surprised when I told him I'd only been playing the guitar for about 5 months. I am not a big headed person, far from it, but Smithy really put a smile on my face with the praise he gave us. It was a relatively short trip but playing music almost non stop for 4 hours in the hot sun is pretty exhausting, not to mention the adrenaline rush I received when we first started to play disappeared when we took a break.

It was an experience I really enjoyed and it really makes me think about the future. I may not be a rich, famous rock star any time soon but I can strive towards that goal and if today is anything to go by I'll enjoy the ride.

So Say We All

-- Tom RDD

1 comment:

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed busking with you boodge lane :) heres to many more times!!
